As we head into the cold winter months, household energy consumption will start to increase as people turn up the heat to stay warm. Keeping warm during winter usually means using more energy and means paying higher utility costs each month. The most energy-hungry appliance in a home is the geyser, so start there if you’re looking to reduce your electricity bill. According […]

Ninety-nine percent of drain lines under sinks are bound to leak sooner or later even if they are installed correctly. That’s because the parts are made from thin plastic and joined with “slip” joints that slip together and—eventually—slip apart. In most homes, there is a P-trap installed under bathtubs, sinks, washing machines and other household

Most drain lines under sinks are bound to leak sooner or later.Read More »

How to Recognise a Sewer Drainage Issue Septic and Sewer A stoppage in the main sewer line or septic system is a very serious plumbing problem and one that poses potential health risks. Regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to prevent this. Maintain the septic system. If you have a septic system with

Sewer & drainage line preventative maintenanceRead More »

When plumbing problems erupt suddenly, they can do so with a severity that borders on the catastrophic. But a regular inspection of your key plumbing fixtures can help you spot and correct developing problems before they become emergencies. Bathroom Bathrooms get lots of use by every member of the family, and it’s no surprise that

Household plumbing inspectionRead More »