Sewer Video Inspection

Got a sewer problem and have no idea what it is or where to dig? A relatively low-cost sewer video inspection just might help.
What Is a Sewer Video Inspection?

This is a process where you call in a plumbing company or a specialist to run a video line through your waste pipes.

The video might extend down your branch lines (the pipes that lead from bathtubs and faucets to the house’s sewer line) or down the house’s sewer line (the larger pipe that leads from the house to the municipal sewer line on the street). At the end of the line is a camera that lets you see the line in close-up and real-time detail.

Is It Necessary?

While this would not be a frequent occurrence, but you might need a video inspection if you plan to add a bathroom or remodel your kitchen or a bathroom. Due to the greater quantities of wastewater involved, you may want to inspect your sewer line to make sure that it can handle the increased needs.


If you are doing an entire sewer line video inspection, you will see a “walk-through,” leading from the trap, down through the sewer line, and up to any obstructions.

If the camera can push through the blockage, it may continue through to the municipal line.

Do not expect a Hollywood movie. While the resolution is high, the picture will be jerky because the scope has to be manually pushed down the line.

Where to Dig or not to dig

The camera unit has a transmitter. The video technician/plumber will stop the camera at the blockage point. Then the worker will go up to ground level and wave a locating device until the device picks up the transmission signal. This allows the worker to spray a paint spot at the exact point of blockage.

The plumber or drain technician can now apply the best and most cost effective.

Yes you can, but it is more cost-effective to hire a company.

Homeowner-level video inspection scopes are far too short to inspect more than the first few feet. Not only that, these scopes probably are not auto-focusing or self-righting.
By contrast, sewer video scopes and locator units owned by plumbing companies can cost upwards of R35 000. They have powerful lights; they are self-righting (the picture always stays upright); they are high-resolution; they have recording capabilities. Most importantly, these cameras have transmitters at the end which can help the technician locate block points exactly.
It is possible to rent drain inspection cameras from local equipment rental stores. For one day usage, it would be more worth your time and money to hire a plumbing company instead.