Sewer & drainage line preventative maintenance

How to Recognise a Sewer Drainage Issue

Septic and Sewer

A stoppage in the main sewer line or septic system is a very serious plumbing problem and one that poses potential health risks. Regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to prevent this.

  • Maintain the septic system. If you have a septic system with a drain field (common in rural areas) avoid problems by having the system inspected and serviced regularly. With a tank system, have the tank pumped out whenever it becomes full. For drainfield systems, make sure your family knows what kinds of materials should not go down the drain. Many experts suggest that you avoid flushing food materials into a septic system. Bleach-based cleaners should also be avoided since these interfere with the biological breakdown of wastes that is essential to a septic system.
  • Maintain your sewer main. If your house is served by municipal sewer lines, prevent mainline blockages through regular maintenance. For homes that see periodic stoppages, usually caused by tree roots in the sewer lines, an annual snaking of the line by a professional sewer service will prevent floor drains from backing up into the home. You can evaluate the effectiveness of the sewer line by emptying all sinks and tubs at the same time and seeing if a floor drains back up or if it takes a long time for all the drains to empty. Watch for signs of a pending sewer drain clog and deal with them before they become full-blown stoppages.
  • Inspect vent pipes. An integral part of your home’s drain and sewer system are the vent pipes that equalize air pressure and vent sewer gases. These pipes usually exit through the top of your roof, and if they become blocked with debris or snow and ice, the drain system in your house will not work as effectively. During your tour of the plumbing system, visually inspect the vent pipes extending through your roof for signs of blockage. You will likely have several of these vent pipes in your roof—one for each main soil stack, and often secondary vent pipes, as well.

Around the House

The bathroom, kitchen, and sewer system are the major plumbing components, but some many other fixtures and appliances should be periodically inspected for problems:

  • Geysers. Look for signs of water leaking in the cold water inlet pipe and hot water exit pipe above the geyser. Also, look around the base of the water heater for leaking that may be caused by a faulty temperature and pressure valve, or a bad drain valve.
  • Branch shutoff valves. If your system has shut off valves that control different zones of the plumbing system, check these to make sure they are operating properly. If you find faulty valves, they should be replaced.
  • Outdoor hose spigots. Outdoor taps often get overlooked, but these, too, can develop leaks and need repair—by replacing washers or cartridges. Outdoor spigots in cold climates can be especially prone to cracking due to extreme winter temperatures; replace any bad spigots you find.
  • Irrigation system. Lawn sprinkler systems should be inspected at the start of the watering season to make sure all spray heads are operating properly. Extreme cold weather can damage sprinkler pipes and heads. Check these regularly.
  • Washing machine. Periodically inspect the water hoses for signs of wear. Rubber hoses that begin to bulge are near the end of their useful lives and should be replaced. Hoses that burst while the owners are away are a major cause of expensive water damage. Also, check the valves that control the hot and cold water hoses for your washing machine. Replace them if they do not completely stop the flow of water when shut off.
  • Check home water pressure. Avoid excess stress on your home’s plumbing system by making sure the water pressure is at a safe level. It only takes a few minutes to test water pressure with a pressure gauge. If the pressure is too high, then install or repair/replace the pressure regulator to bring it down to a safe level.

Call S60Rapid now or chat to us on WhatsApp to find out more about our maintenance plans. We will tailor a solution to suit your needs.