The Benefits of Hydro-Jetting

Complete Cleaning – Hydro-Jetting is the ultimate technique for cleaning sewer drains. A high-pressure water stream that cleans out all debris completely, leaving the pipe clear for sewer and water to flow without obstruction. Conventional rodding and snake-type drain cleaners punch holes in blockages but leave the debris behind which causes future clogs and blockages.

Total Residue Removal Hydro-Jetting removes all substance residue from the walls of the pipes. The high power jet of water blasts the residue out, either at the same time as the debris or shortly after it has cleared the initial blockage.

Flexibility Cleaning sewer lines can be a risky business as many homes have aging infrastructure and sewer pipes can be damaged or highly corroded. Hydro-Jetting uses a pulse flow, which allows the hose more maneuverability inside the pipes and enables plumbers to target the site of the sewer blockage and bypass areas that may be vulnerable to damage.

Gets Rid of Bacteria Bacteria settles in your sewer lines and can cause a wide variety of problems. the endless array of problems from spreading the disease to causing foul odors. Hydro-Jetting removes all bacteria and leaves your sewer and drain pipes clean and fresh.

Saves You Money One of the biggest reasons to use Hydro-Jetting is the financial benefit. Hydro-Jetting cleans out sewer lines so completely that it’s usually unnecessary to schedule the recommended twice-a-year maintenance cleaning. S60RAPID Plumbing sewer line cleaning pros can use video camera pipe inspection technology after Hydro-Jetting your sewer line to ensure it completely clean and unencumbered. This type of detailed cleaning usually secures your sewer pipes against blockages and clogs for several years and saves you money in the long term.

Little Risk of Damage A drain snake could crack a pipe while chemical cleaners can soften PVC pipes. Hydro-Jetting uses a highly pressurised water spray carefully calibrated to break up debris without harming pipes and they use pure water only, so there’s no risk of pipe damage.

Assured Safety Strong drain cleaners use caustic chemicals like sodium hydroxide or sulfuric acid, but Hydro-Jetting uses nothing but water.

New plumbing technology, state-of-the-art equipment and being well prepared allows S60RAPID experienced sewer cleaning and maintenance experts to accurately diagnose your sewer line problems, pinpoint their exact location and recommend the most viable, cost-effective and efficient sewer line cleaning and maintenance solutions to meet your specific needs. Speak to us on WhatsApp now.