Common Problems a Drain Contractor Fix

common tree root growth cause blockages

Weeping tiles, rising damp or damp walls

Common household plumbing problems that can get out of hand.

Signs of damp inside a house include:

  • A damp and musty smell
  • The appearance of mould or mildew on walls, floors or ceilings
  • Walls, floors or ceilings that feel cold or damp
  • Dark or discoloured patches on walls or plaster
  • Lifting or peeling wallpaper
  • Excessive condensation on windows

When you don’t know exactly where the leak is, but discolouration or mold tells you there must be one, S60Rapid can detect and pinpoint a leak inside a wall or under a floor, in your garden or under your paving. With cutting edge leak detection equipment.

damp walls

Burst Pipes

Burst Pipes in the water system is one of the most common plumbing problems both in the home and the public system.

Pipe failure due to age, misuse or damage are common. Pipes can be put under a great pressure through the system and any defect in the piping will be exposed over time and then break down.

If a pipe bursts in the ceiling or floor it can be some time before you notice and all too often the first you know is when the bulge appears or the water flows in a torrent.

The potential water loss from burst pipes in your house can be as much as 400 litres, that’s 2 full baths an hour. This means if you were away for a full day you could have up to 9,600 litres of water or 48 full baths of water in your house from a burst pipe. If you were away for the week you could lose 47,200 litres of water in that week. The amount of litres lost is the equivalent to 336 full baths of water running through your house.

S60Rapid Pipe specialist team will detect, and fix pipes where and when needed.

burst pipe

Tree Root Removal

Tree roots are a common problem of blocked drains in Gauteng because they are attracted to the moisture that escapes from hairline cracks in the pipes. Once the roots penetrate the drain, they create a net-like structure which cause blockages. By consulting a drain contractor as soon as you notice slow-flowing drains or gurgling sounds in your bathtub, you can avoid the expense associated with digging up your entire system to repair the problem.

Clogged Drain pipes

common fat blockages in household pipes

Clogged drains and blocked pipes may start as minor issues but can quickly escalate into major problems. A clogged drain can cause slow water drainage, corrosion, flooding, and, in extreme cases, sewage backup and costly repairs. Clogs can be cause by:

  • Hair: – Hair is a big culprit for drain blockages, as it can bind with grease and other sticky substances to form clogs. 
  • Soap: –You may wonder how soap can cause a blockage in your pipes. But traditional soap bars are actually made with grease or fat. The fat in the soap combines with minerals in water and leaves a hard residue (known as soap scum) that stains bath fittings and clogs pipes.
  • Dirt: –You may think your drain and pipes are there for washing anything away. But while you want to get excess dirt off you and your clothes, it can build up and cause issues in your drains.
  • Food waste:–Food waste should never go down the drain. This is particularly important for waste like tea leaves and coffee grounds that don’t break down.
  • Mineral buildup:–Minerals dissolved in hard water can build up and cause insoluble masses that will easily block your drains. Mineral buildup clogs can be difficult to remove once established
  • Small objects:–Small objects can find their way into your plumbing supply and wreak havoc. If any foreign matter has gotten into your plumbing supply and is causing issues, you’ll likely need professional help.
  • Toilet paper build up:–Too much toilet paper can clog your drains and stop your toilets from flushing. 
  • Tree roots:–The smallest cracks or leaks in your underground pipes can attract tree root growth. Once inside your pipes tree roots quickly grow larger, obstructing water flow and causing pipe damage.
S60 Rapid Plumbing – For Effective, Efficient and Safe Pipe Remediation.
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